*================================================ * USING.txt - PART OF PERSO 3.0 * http://perso.sourceforge.net *================================================ ------------------------------------------------- 1 GENERATION-MODE ------------------------------------------------- The generation-mode generates a random ID-number. Spezified fields can be used to generate a random number with custum values. If no field is given, perso generates a random number with following fields: BKZ, no, bDay, bMonth, bYear, eDay, eMonth, eYear. A "+" (plus) as value for the fields pre, nat or sex generate a random value. Supported fields for custum ID-numbers: pre, BKZ, no, nat, bDay, bMonth, bYear, sex, eDay, eMonth, eYear Usage: ./perso --example [FIELD=VALUE...] Examples: ./perso --example sex=+ generate number with a random sex ./perso --example sex=F generate number with a female sex ./perso --example bYear=86 bMonth=6 bDay=22 generate number with birthday 1986/06/22 ------------------------------------------------- 2 EXTRACTION-MODE ------------------------------------------------- The extraction-mode extracts a spezified field from an ID-number. Supported fields which can extracted: BKZ, no, bDay, bMonth, bYear, eDay, eMonth, eYear Usage: ./perso --extract FIELD ID-NUMBER Returncodes: 0 no error -1 ID-number broken Examples: ./perso --extract bYear '2905242251<<50111730908287<<<<<<<8' extract year of birth from the given ID-number. ./perso --extract BKZ 2905242251501117309082878 extract BKZ from the given ID-number. ------------------------------------------------- 3 CHECK-MODE ------------------------------------------------- The check-mode checks all checksums from an ID-number. Usage: ./perso --check ID-NUMBER Returncodes: 0 no error -1 ID-number broken, bad checksum(s) Examples: ./perso --check 2905242251501117309082878 check given ID-number ------------------------------------------------- 4 POSSIBLE FIELDS ------------------------------------------------- You can use following fields to specifiy an ID-number for perso: pre prefix BKZ BKZ no unique card-number nat nationality bDay/ bMonth/ bYear day/ month/ year of birth sex sex (F=female, M=male) eDay/ eMonth/ eYear day/ month/ year of expiration Attention: Perso uses the fields case sensitive. ------------------------------------------------- 5 GENERAL OPTIONS ------------------------------------------------- Use "--force" for force continuing also an ID-number seems to be broken. Use "--verbose" to watch perso's working-processes (checksum-algorithm). Use "--quiet" to supress perso's messages. Use "--help" for a quick help of perso's usage. Use "--help-id" to display the structure of an ID-number. Use "--version" to get the perso's version information. Use "--block1len7" or "--block1len8" for austrian passports/ ID-cards (see example scripts)